And it Begins – My Goal is to make $1000 a Day!

Yep, that’s right, who says I can’t reach $1000/day in income? Who makes that kind of money anyway? Plenty of people that’s who!

The reason why I want to make $1000 per day is just because it’s something I want to do. It’s a goal, it will take hard-work but it’s not impossible. Like all goals it requires careful planing and dedication to reach. I have visualized success already, I know how to reach my goal and now with the help of this blog I will succeed.

What is $1000 a day anyway? It’s just $30,000 a month…

Long term I want to be a millionaire in three years, that’s Jan, 2014. If things work out I can easily do that in just two years or less.

Currently I make on average $9,000 to $12,000 a month as an internet marketer. I have been at this level for about 6/months now.

My goal is to reach $1000 per day by April 15th, 2011. That’s ONLY a couple months away I understand but from what I’ve learned it’s better to have a short defined amount of time to reach a goal, rather then an unlimited amount of time. This keeps the pressure up and you focused on the task at hand.

That’s the goal! I will update 1k2day often with details on how I’m doing and what I plan to do to reach my goals. I will be up front and honest as much as possible. I will keep this as a journal to my goal of $1000 per day!

And it begins!

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